SN 2 - #2B Investing in Tomorrow: AI, Innovation, and Growth

Mike Ryan (@mikeryanbpn), CEO of Bullet Point Network, shares his wealth of experience in finance and reveals key investment strategies for the current market environment. Dive into trends, risk management, and timeless investment principles that can make a difference in your portfolio.

In this episode Zack Ellison and Mike Ryan discuss: 

  1. From Hype to Hustle: Startups Adapt to Pragmatic Capital Raising 
  2. Post-Bubble Capital Raising: Crafting a Credible Business Plan 
  3. The AI Gold Rush: Separating Hype from Prudent Investment 
  4. Unlocking the Power of AI: Strategies to Avoid Deception 
  5. Capitalizing on Scarcity for Downside Protection and Upside Returns 
  6. The Venture Debt Landscape: Opportunities and Risks for Investors 
  7. Betting on Growth: Unveiling the Formula for Investment Success

A venture debt investment manager focused on providing financing solutions to innovative, high-growth startups in recession-resistent sectors and underserved regions in North America.