#16 The Power of Alternative Investments for RIAs

Richard Hillson, is the Founder of Hillson Consulting, an investment consultancy that helps leading independent Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs) and family offices improve their product offerings and portfolio construction, predominantly through alternative investments that help to generate optimal portfolio diversification and higher risk-adjusted returns. 

In this episode, Zack and Richard discuss:

1. The Alts Revolution – New Investment Opportunities for RIAs

2. Alternative Investing: Diversification Within Diversification Within Diversification

3. Invest Like a Pro: Diversification’s Role in Risk Management

Website: https://www.hillsonconsulting.com/

Website: https://www.thirdsevencapital.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/richardlhillson

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/richard.hillson

A venture debt investment manager focused on providing financing solutions to innovative, high-growth startups in recession-resistent sectors and underserved regions in North America.