#2 Fighting FOMO: Staying Disciplined While Everyone Else Is Chasing Hot Trends

Christian Gannon is the Director of Investments at Twickenham Advisors. He partners with advisors to craft investment solutions that help clients meet their goals.

In this episode, Christian and Zack discuss:

  1. Mistakes Make Us Better Investors
  2. Investing in Times of Economic Uncertainty
  3. How to Stay Ahead of the Game in a Rapidly Changing Market
  4. Just Buy Good Businesses – The Unsexy Secret to Investment Success
  5. The Misconception of Debt-like Returns in Venture Capital Risk

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/twickenhamadvisors

Website: https://twickenhamadvisors.com/blogs/unobstructed-thoughts/year-in-review-2022

A venture debt investment manager focused on providing financing solutions to innovative, high-growth startups in recession-resistent sectors and underserved regions in North America.