#4 Venture Debt: Double-Digit Income with Upside Potential

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Chris Osmond (@ChrisOsmondCFA) has extensive experience in investment management, including market and economic analysis in the United States, alternative investments, private equity, and asset allocation recommendations for individual, corporate, and institutional investors.

In this episode, Zack and Chris discuss:

  1. Maximizing Your Wealth With Above-the-Line Planning
  2. How to Remove Emotion From Investment Decisions
  3. The Pitfalls of Buying High And Selling Low
  4. Raising Capital in a Market Without Venture Debt

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/centura-wealth-advisory/

Website: https://centurawealth.com/

A venture debt investment manager focused on providing financing solutions to innovative, high-growth startups in recession-resistent sectors and underserved regions in North America.